
Our mission is to support parents, grandparents, and guardians in helping children to grow their faith.


Roswell Street Kids

Roswell Street Kids Ministry exists to help each child feel their way towards a relationship with Jesus Christ. We provide a safe environment for children in Kindergarten through 5th Grade to engage in Bible truths and connect with other kids through music, games, Bible lessons, and other hands-on activities.

Sunday Mornings:

9:30am – Life Groups
10:30am – Kid’s Church (K-5th Grade)

Deena Dickerson

Kids Ministries Interim Director

Wednesday Evenings:

6:30-8:00pm – RAs, GAs, Mission Friends, Music

Preschool Ministry

Little Sprouts

Little Sprouts is a safe and secure environment for infants (eight weeks) through Pre-K. We believe in an active, hands-on approach to learning Biblical truths. Your child will rotate through Bible story telling, crafts, games, and Large Group for Worship. They will look forward to a lot of jumping, singing, dancing, and laughing!

Sunday Mornings:

9:30am – Small Groups
10:30am – Small Groups / Activity Rotations

Iris Storey

NextGen Team Leader

Wednesday Evenings:

6:30-8:00pm – RAs, GAs, Mission Friends, Music

Upcoming Events