
Optional opening sentences regarding missions. Mission statement, etc.

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” – Acts 1:8

Acts 1:8 Mission Team

Gary Stevens, Leader
Zenita Beeler
Penny Iorillo
Andrea McCranie
Kyle McCranie
Alex Owen
Marilyn Owen
King Ross
Dan Moran
Iris Storey
Joe Buckner

2024 Mission Trips

Builders For Christ – June 2024
Barcelona, Spain – July 2024
Lusaka, Zambia – August 2024
Honduras – September 2024
Brazil – November 2024
Thailand – To Be Determined

2024 Acts 1:8 Misson Partners

International Missions

Mission Partner Support
International Mission Board (IMB)
Africa (Mark and Tish Young)
Turkey / Iran (Cyrus & Esther Goodman)
Spain (Maicon & Leticia Custodio)
Dan Moran Ministries Honduras
Randi Hayes (Chosen Vessels)
Thailand (Katie & Game Pongpa)

Special Projects Support
IMB Training
Church Planting Honduras
Barcelona, Spain – Summer / Winter Camps
Thailand – Katie & Game Pongpa
Lusaka, Zambia, Africa – Mark & Tish Young
Patrick Thompson France / Transition
Leadership Training & Mobilization Support
Mission Trips Support

National Missions

Special Projects Support
Jared & Jana Parsons, New York City
Kyle & Andrea McCranie, Builders for Christ