Prayer Calendar
Sunday, December 1: Ask God to open your eyes to the wonder of this Christmas season.
Monday, December 2: Pray that the truth about Christmas might be revealed to all people.
Tuesday, December 3: Ask God to help you share the good news of Christmas.
Wednesday, December 4: Pray that you will see ways to turn love into action this Christmas.
Thursday, December 5: Pray that the peace of Christ will cover the busyness of this season.
Friday, December 6: Pray that God will show you the gifts you have to offer and help you give them generously.
Saturday, December 7: Pray that the joy of Christ will be felt through you.
Sunday, December 8: Thank God that the gift of Jesus makes us one family together in Christ.
Monday, December 9: Pray that He will fill you with hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, December 10: Pray that the light of Christ will shine from within you.
Wednesday, December 11: Pray for those who are distant from family during the Christmas season.
Thursday, December 12: Pray that you will not miss the reason for the season – Jesus.
Friday, December 13: Pray for those that are estranged from their families that they may reconcile this season.
Saturday, December 14: Pray to be filled with the wonder of Mary, the obedience of Joseph, the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the determination of the magi, and the peace of Christ.
Sunday, December 15: Pray for missionaries that are far away from their families at Christmas that they will deeply feel the presence of Christ.
Monday, December 16: Pray for widows, widowers, and the homebound during this season.
Tuesday, December 17: Pray for the children you know and love to grasp the true meaning and blessing of Christmas.
Wednesday, December 18: Ask God to make your Christmas celebration reflect the beauty and wonder of the first Christmas and for the miracle of the Incarnation—“God with us”—to be a reality in you and those you love.
Thursday, December 19: Pray that many will give to our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering this month for our missionaries around the world.
Friday, December 20: Ask God to bless your pastor during the Christmas season and give him and his family much time together.
Saturday, December 21: Ask God to help you be content in your circumstances and learn what He has to teach you.
Sunday, December 22: Ask God to protect and deliver those who must celebrate Christmas amid persecution and oppression.
Monday, December 23: Pray for those who are working during the holidays – police, firefighters, hospital personnel.
Tuesday, December 24: Pray for sweet fellowship in our churches that celebrate with Christmas Eve services.
Wednesday, December 25: Thank God for His wonderful Gift of Jesus. Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 26: Pray for those people who are depressed during this season that they may open their hearts to let God comfort them.
Friday, December 27: Pray for our country as we look toward a transition in leadership in a few weeks and that those leaders may follow God’s leading.
Saturday, December 28: Pray for countries at war that citizens may experience God’s peace even in these hard times.
Sunday, December 29: Pray for Christians today to look toward 2025 with renewed love for Him.
Monday, December 30: Ask God to watch over our children in 2025 and pray that Christians will be able to have more influence in our schools.
Tuesday, December 31: Thank the Lord for His constant presence and love this past year.