Worship Ministries

Linda Matthews

Worship Ministries Assistant, Worship Accompanist

Dr. Leslie Gillis

Worship Accompanist

Dr. Billy Flood

Orchestra Director /Percussionist

Worship Ministry Ensembles

Choir: Come join us! No audition required! The Choir is an ensemble for high school students and older who want to use their musical talents to lead others in worship. The Choir provides musical leadership weekly in the Sunday morning worship service. Under the leadership of Leslie Gillis, the Choir rehearses Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm (August-May) in the Choir Room and joins forces with the Orchestra to provide seasonal music presentations.

Orchestra: The Orchestra is an instrumental ensemble for high school students and older who want to use their intermediate/advanced level of instrumental talent to lead others in worship in Sunday morning services. Under the leadership of Director Billy Flood and accompanied by Linda Matthews, the Orchestra rehearses Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm (August-May) in the Orchestra Room and works alongside the Choir in providing seasonal music presentations.

Vocal Worship Teams: Each of the vocal worship teams provide SATB vocal support for both congregational and ‘special’ worship music in worship services and seasonal music presentations. These teams are auditioned and represent different generations and backgrounds within the RSBC church family.

Rhythm Section: The Rhythm Section provides the instrumental ‘backbone’ of sound for all worship services and seasonal presentations. The Rhythm Section consists of the Piano-Keyboard, Piano-String Synthesizer, Piano-Pad/Organ, Auxiliary Keyboard, Electric Rhythm Guitar, Electric Lead Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Trap Set Drummer and Orchestra Conductor.

Seasonal Presentations: The Choir, Orchestra, Kids Worship and Community Guests join together seasonally to present seasonal music presentations in December (Community Christmas Celebration), Easter Weekend (Good Friday Service & Easter Sunday Service) and July (Patriotic Celebration).

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